Friday, April 10, 2009

The Little tree <3

Feel so swe3t with my darling ;) [ NO name tag for me xD ]
My sorpo ! [ carynn dont be serious* xD ]
sweet sweet watermelon ;P
After school , we this GUAGUA gang went to the little tree cafe , nice wei ;D

shih ee camera shy lagi ! haha
sik wei && aididi !

Ye3 promoting her food x)
aididi =) *blurs*
Best friend ;)
swe3tie shin =D
another camera shy boy - sik wei =.= [ stil got one ! waichun ! haha xD ]
darling !
JOjo && Jin x)
rynn act serious again xD
lelele , had lunch wish my gang at the little tree cafe after school .
The foods at there are delicious ! i like it =D
whoa , i think we had long time dint chit-chat and make noise together liao !
cause we just keep busy for our cheer things. now sukan end liao , we also free liao xD
Finally we have the chance to siao again hehe .
oh , we cant talk about pointless thing ! if who talk about pointless thing then will kena punish 0.20sen . lame right ? but quite fun !
This is the game between rynn and shin larh actually xD
I cant join this game larh ofcourse. if not i will bankrap !
Cause i always like to talk pointeless thing && topic LOL!
In the cafe , We gossip gossip gossip , joke joke joke , keep on zat each other.
We keep laugh laugh &&& laugh . Laugh till the face so tired x)
We were so noisy in the cafe , but we will never care about it . heh =D
About 5something , me , aididi && waichun back to school !
We watch those form1 xiaodidi play basketball . OMG so cute larh them .
The PJ TEE so BIG ! &&&&&
The attitude so XIAODIDI! xD
I think they look like standard 1 more larh . cause they are CUTE !
Me and aididi bengkui when we saw that .
I wanna grow taller ! My target is 155-158cm . that's enough for me x)
I love you

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